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📲Mobile App

The D-Sports Alliance App Is The One-Stop Shop For All Your Crypto Needs.

The App provides Teams, Players and Fans with a blockchain address on multiple networks and provides the starting point for their digital journey. We provide easy currency transfers, Team owned NFT marketplaces, decentralized social media and an easy connections to other Dapps.


  • Wallet - Store and manage your digital assets and create your own Blockchain address


  • Onramper - Buy Crypto using our Fiat On Ramp Provided by OnRamper.

💸Wallet Set-Up💳On Ramper
  • Sending & Receiving Crypto - Instantaneously send or receive cryptocurrencies directly in the Crypto Chat Feature

🪙Sending & Receiving Crypto
  • Crypto Chat - Connect with any app user with a customized username.

📳Crypto Chat
  • NFTs - Mint, Buy, Sell and Share NFTs all in one hub in the App.

🖼️NFTs on Mobile App

Download The App

You can download the D-Sports Alliance App on Android and iOS. We also offer a browser version for mobile and desktop.

Prior to commencing any activities involving financial assets, please educate yourself on possible risks, how to securely purchase, store and transfer digital assets, as well as the potential risk of complete investment loss. - Read Disclosures & Warnings

Whitelabel Solutions for Pro Teams

Teams can use the D-Sports Alliance App free of charge. As the web3 industry advances into the mainstream, we offer our Team partners the ability to customize the App with their own Team logos and offer a stand-alone App through the App stores. Contact us to book a presentation to learn how to get your Club started. Email

Last updated